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This plugin has extensive integration with the relay plugin, which makes creating nodes and connections very easy.


The prismaNode method works just like the prismaObject method with a couple of small differences:

  • there is a new id option that mirrors the id option from node method of the relay plugin, and must contain a resolve function that returns the id from an instance of the node. Rather than defining a resolver for the id field, you can set the field option to the name of a unique column or index.
builder.prismaNode('Post', {
  // This set's what database field to use for the nodes id field
  id: { field: 'id' },
  // fields work just like they do for builder.prismaObject
  fields: (t) => ({
    title: t.exposeString('title'),
    author: t.relation('author'),

If you need to customize how ids are formatted, you can add a resolver for the id, and provide a findUnique option that can be used to load the node by it's id. This is generally not necessary.

builder.prismaNode('Post', {
  id: { resolve: (post) => String(post.id) },
  // The return value will be passed as the `where` of a `prisma.post.findUnique`
  findUnique: (id) => ({ id: Number.parseInt(id, 10) }),
  fields: (t) => ({
    title: t.exposeString('title'),
    author: t.relation('author'),

When executing the node(id: ID!) query with a global ID for which prisma cannot find a record in the database, the default behavior is to throw an error. There are some scenarios where it is preferable to return null instead of throwing an error. For this you can add the nullable: true option:

builder.prismaNode('Post', {
  id: { resolve: (post) => String(post.id) },
  nullable: true,
  fields: (t) => ({
    title: t.exposeString('title'),
    author: t.relation('author'),

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