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Prisma Objects

Creating types with builder.prismaObject

builder.prismaObject takes 2 arguments:

  1. name: The name of the prisma model this new type represents
  2. options: options for the type being created, this is very similar to the options for any other object type
builder.prismaObject('User', {
  // Optional name for the object, defaults to the name of the prisma model
  name: 'PostAuthor',
  fields: (t) => ({
    id: t.exposeID('id'),
    email: t.exposeString('email'),
builder.prismaObject('Post', {
  fields: (t) => ({
    id: t.exposeID('id'),
    title: t.exposeString('title'),

So far, this is just creating some simple object types. They work just like any other object type in Pothos. The main advantage of this is that we get the type information without using object refs, or needing imports from prisma client.

Adding prisma fields to non-prisma objects (including Query and Mutation)

There is a new t.prismaField method which can be used to define fields that resolve to your prisma types:

  fields: (t) => ({
    me: t.prismaField({
      type: 'User',
      resolve: async (query, root, args, ctx, info) =>
          where: { id: ctx.userId },

This method works just like the normal t.field method with a couple of differences:

  1. The type option must contain the name of the prisma model (eg. User or [User] for a list field).
  2. The resolve function has a new first argument query which should be spread into query prisma query. This will be used to load data for nested relationships.

You do not need to use this method, and the builder.prismaObject method returns an object ref than can be used like any other object ref (with t.field), but using t.prismaField will allow you to take advantage of more efficient queries.

The query object will contain an object with include or select options to pre-load data needed to resolve nested parts of the current query. The included/selected fields are based on which fields are being queried, and the options provided when defining those fields and types.

Extending prisma objects

The normal builder.objectField(s) methods can be used to extend prisma objects, but do not support using selections, or exposing fields not in the default selection. To use these features, you can use

builder.prismaObjectField or builder.prismaObjectFields instead.

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